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Inspiration, Goals and Intentions.


Updated: Dec 20, 2022

A couple of nights ago I awoke early in the morning around 2am, which is not uncommon for me feeling extremely inspired to write a blog about Goals and Intentions. The problem was I made up all the excuses in the world not to get out of bed on that cold winters night and here I find myself now attempting to tap into that inspiration again.

At some stage or another in our lives we all experience inspiration in some way shape or form. Some people may also regard this as feeling passionate about something. Inspiration according to the web is defined as

1. The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative….or

2. A sudden brilliant or timely idea.

The idea above positions the concept of inspiration as simply a psychological phenomenon. My understanding is there may be more to this than we know. I’m not a religious person, however I do believe in spirit, hence I believe being woken at 2am in morning when to my understanding there was nothing in my physical surroundings to wake me, may indeed have a divine origin. My purpose here is not to discuss matters of the bible but just to examine its literary lineage and meaning. In Latin the origin of inspiration we find “Inspireae - to breath in” or in Middle English “To breath or to take in divine guidance”. None the less, irrespective of the definition, Inspiration requires us to “do something”. If we fail to act, that which we are receiving guidance to complete will fail to come to fruition.

So then, what to do, or how do we see our inspiration through to be completed? Well like me, if you failed to act at the time you are feeling inspired, the idea essentially becomes an intention because it lacks the strong enthusiastic feeling that accompanies inspiration. From An intention is an idea that you plan (or intend) to carry out. If you mean something, it's an intention. Your goal, purpose, or aim is your intention. It's something you mean to do, whether you pull it off or not. So, in this case my intention is to write this blog.

At this point I start to formulate ideas and thoughts about the process required in order to complete the blog. This intention is very easy to complete as it is totally in my control, I do not have to rely on any other factors that may impact on the completion of it. However, what if there are factors out my control that may have an effect on the completion of the intention or the intention is dynamic and fluid i.e starting a new business.

As I have recently dived back into practice, it was necessary for me to formulate an intension. Coming up with one was not easy. It’s really important to include as much detail as possible. Opera Whinfrey used to talk about vision boards; find a place on a wall in your house where you could place photos of things that remind you or direct you or inspire you to achieve your goals or intentions.

“Just quickly my understanding of the difference between intentions and goals would be that goals may have time lines. Outside that, intentions and goals may be used interchangeably.”

My spiritual teacher “John Roger” has said, “Place in your mind more of the things you want and less of the things you don’t want.” This make sense, how would you expect to complete anything in life if you never entertain the thoughts that may lead to what you to getting what you want. Most athletes are familiar with visualization which entails regular practice imagining in a detailed fashion the necessary skills to become better at the skill they are wishing to master. Research has demonstrated the mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. All of these tools can be used together to give you the best possible chance of manifesting your intention. So if the mind is directed in a clear an unobstructed positive manner towards the intention on a regular basis there is a greater chance the intention will come to fruition.

Finally, all we have discussed here are the seeds of manifestation. There is so much more required to witness the completion of intentions such as plans, process, action and maintenance. So start setting your intentions and get manifesting. Happy Inspiration, Goals and Intentions on your journey to achieve optimal wellness.

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