Usually at this time of year it becomes popular to create new year's resolutions, being some sort of intention or goal that perhaps we think is necessary to benefit our lives in some way moving forward. I know I've talked about intentions and goals before so I'm not going to get into detail here. Instead, lets discuss manifestation and how it can be used to create what you want or strengthen what you are already doing.
What is manifestation?
Most if not all discussion on manifestation on the internet relates to materiality. Perhaps its handy to consider the definition of manifestation as it relates to things, we can relate to with our five senses. Most of us are entertained by the idea of closing your eyes, focusing really hard on something you want and then opening your eyes and having that thing you want having manifested into physical reality right in front of you. At least that was the way it was marketed in the movie "The Secret" in 2006. Unless you are the Maharaja or have studied and mastered the siddhis of the great yogi's it's not very likely manifestation in this manner will occur. However, if you haven't seen it, it is certainly worth a watch. It is valuable from the perspective it provides some but not all the keys of manifestation, at the very least it will get you excited about creating what you want. So, if we are going to stick to the definition of manifestation as it relates to materiality, what then has to take place or what rules do we have to follow for something to appear?
How does manifestation work?
In the movie What the Bleep Do We Know posits a spiritual relationship between quantum physics and consciousness. The plot follows the story of a photographer as she encounters emotional and existential obstacles in her life and begins to consider the idea that individual and group consciousness can influence the material world. This movie in my mind demonstrates very clearly what is taking place energetically behind the action of the physical senses.
What do you have to do to manifest?
In order to manifest something into reality one must first know what it is they want to manifest. Perhaps it could be something simple as a cup of coffee or something more complex like winning a world championship. Either way the thing that you aspire to manifest requires a clear vision. Most of us consider taking a trip down to the local cafe to get a cup of coffee for granted. We never really stop to consider the process involved. The irony of this process is exactly the same as winning the world championship. The only difference is the time it takes to manifest.
You're probably all familiar with a story of an athlete that became successful following a dream they had when they were young that eventually became reality. The dream was the key and perhaps the daydreaming that eventually results in action was the very inspiration that began the process. In contrast no one that I know would stand around and daydream of a cup of coffee unless perhaps you have been stranded on a desert island, there is always an exception to the rule. So that then begs the question, is daydreaming something that will contribute to manifesting what you want? The answer is yes however there is a caveat. The daydreaming is required to reach an intensity that results in action. If it doesn't, daydreaming is simply that, it is just a dream and will never contribute to manifesting anything.
Visualization on the other hand perhaps could be considered a dream in action. That is the dream satisfies a level of intensity that promotes action. To understand this phenomenon lets again consider the manifestation of a cup of coffee. Remember I mentioned this process goes on beneath our conscious awareness, well in order to appreciate this idea we need to play a little game of pretend. Imagine you had a coffee for the first time yesterday. If you do recall the first time you had a coffee, then its ok to recall all aspects of that experience. You remember the taste, the heat of the cup, the environment you were in, the music that was playing or even the joy and laughter that you experienced sharing the coffee with that special person in your life. All in all, you would probably agree it was a very pleasurable experience. In psychology this experience would be regarded as one that imprints itself on your consciousness and hence later would drive the repetition of the same experience. So, for the Lamens like me it simply drives me to want to have that experience again. Now I have the foundation to repeat that experience and manifest the coffee any time I wish. Let's stretch this out now and see all the steps as they would appear.
The thought of having a coffee enters you mind.
The thought is quickly accompanied by a feeling inspired by the memory of the previous experience.
Perhaps you begin to consider what you have to do to get the coffee. They all seem achievable
The achievable notion intensifies the feeling to a degree it becomes energy in motion i.e., E-motion
The E-motion causes you to act.
The act-ions cause your body to move towards the coffee. (Get in the car, drive to the cafe, find parking, walk to cafe, order coffee)
The final action is the receiving and the drinking of the coffee that fulfills the visualization and presto you have manifested a coffee
Perhaps you think that was ridiculous. I'm not asking you to believe it, just to apply the idea in some way in your life. As you can see there are a series of steps that must occur in order to manifest the coffee where visualization is a very important aspect.
Is Manifestation real?
Manifestation is real, it's just the word itself seems to have replaced fewer exciting words like creating or goals. As far as manifesting something material goes the cup of coffee would be considered a short-term goal. However, when it comes to long term goals such as winning a world championship, we don't usually consider at the time of the winning, the championship was just manifested. Ironically it was, it's just the time of conception to the time of completion was far more protracted than the manifestation of the cup of coffee. It was actually manifesting only in part all the way along until the final part manifested on the day of the win. Are you starting to see what's going on here? It's no secret and its certainly not a scam. It's just something you take for granted or you understand differently.
Manifestation beyond materiality
Perhaps we could think of manifesting beyond materiality by thinking about which qualities we would like to bring forward or express in our lives. Qualities are far less tangible than quantities in terms of manifestation. In the previous examples both could be quantified through either the senses i.e., the coffee through taste, feel and smell, or measured by the position in relation to another (2nd place) in the case of the world championship win. Qualities that we wish to manifest may be much more difficult with the absence of something tangible to relate to.
Let's take happiness for example. Most of us when we think about manifesting happiness default to remembering a time when we felt really happy. Often when I ask a client how they would consider manifesting happiness in their life, this is the process that most people would see as normal. Memory has a great benefit in this area, it effectively is bringing the past into the present, hence it becomes real as though you are living it again in that moment. If at any time in the future, you were feeling less than happy you could simply manifest happiness by returning to that same memory and making it present now. This is great because if we were to consider the works of Norman Doige in his book The Brain that Changes Itself it is absolutely possible to rewire your brain towards happiness. To get the idea of how this works we can use the way the main roads department in any capital city treat road infrastructure. Happiness could be related to a small road leading to a small town. Perhaps you don't use the road (happiness) very often. At some point the traffic on that road gets so great because the town has grown seeing a greater number of commuters using the road, the main roads department decides to widen the road to allow more traffic to flow towards the town more efficiently. In other words, the
use of the road determines the response by the main roads department to widen the road. In our happiness example, the more time you spend recalling, remembering or creating happiness in your mind, your brain responds by creating more neural networks to manifest happiness
Manifestation and Loving
In much the same way as manifesting happiness we could use the same principle to manifest loving. However, unlike happiness that could be described as somewhat of a static type of notion dependent on something external which of course is different for everyone, loving
perhaps is more dynamic which we may associate with the essence within each of us that allows us to exist. It could also be described as the energy that binds our cells together and also inspires us to move. So how then do we manifest loving? This is indeed the $64,000 question. I first became aware of this idea around 16years ago and have been practicing it ever since. Let me just say I'm no expert and there are some days where I find it so difficult to manifest loving I effectively give up and just accept whatever it is I'm experiencing at the time is just ok. I have used all sorts of tricks from imagining what it would be like see a newborn baby for the first time (pretty hard considering I don't have kids), to remembering the love I felt from my parents at a time when I may have been sick or injured, or the look in
my girlfriends' eyes when I have been thoughtful with a gift or action, to imagining what it would be like to be in the presence of my spiritual teacher, or GOD etc. Each of these has worked at different times. It's just a matter of discovering what works for you. A resource that be helpful particularly if you're doubting the idea of how you can manifest qualities such as happiness or loving is to check out Joe Dispensa He is doing some incredible work around the study of this phenomena that demonstrates scientifically the ideas above.
Manifesting spiritually
On a final note, I could not leave this subject uncompleted without mentioning the importance of spirit. For those who are new to the idea of spirit let's attempt to give it some context. If we use a passenger airplane as an example the fuselage would be considered the human being, the engine of the plane would be considered the soul (the thing that breaths us), then spirit would be regarded as the fuel. Like the airplane is rendered useless without fuel the human being or "you" would not exist or function without spirit. Hence it stands to reason it's pretty important so why would you not want to utilize its value when manifesting what you want. To get a greater understanding and more specific tools on how manifest with spirit check out Programming the Universal Mind. All the best manifesting what you want, I look forward to hearing of your success.